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Filma. Feminist Film Festival announces an open call for entries for the special non-competitive program

Filma. Feminist Film Festival announces an open call for entries for the special non-competitive program
✨Filma. Feminist Film Festival announces an open call for entries for the special non-competitive program!✨

The collective is welcoming all films that:
▪️ touch on key topics for intersectional feminism;
▪️ have been created following feminist work principles (or you’re trying to follow said principles when making a film and are ready to share your experiences);
▪️ are of any genre and format (except television films), runtime, country, and year of production.

The film can be submitted by a director or a team of directors.
The collective will not review the applications that have already been submitted for 2021’s selection.

Submit your entries by July 20 inclusive, via this application form.

About the Filma. Feminist Film Festival

Filma. Feminist Film Festival was created by a feminist collective as a collaborative platform for films that meet the principles of intersectional feminism, anti-racism, anti-colonialism, inclusion, and a culture of consent. Conversations with the authors and protagonists of the films, as well as researchers and activists, are an integral part of the program.

Two years ago, Filma announced the first open call for works with feminist positionality and critical views on art and/or film industry – for the Radical Love program about the powerful love (as a political practice) in resistance to patriarchy, colonialism, and capitalism. The second open call did not happen because of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine and the collective’s need to reflect deeply on the painful experiences of migration in armed conflict.

Visual for Radical Love program by Ві Ві.



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