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William Luhr: Film Noir

BOOK REVIEW: William Luhr - Film Noir (Wiley-Blackwell, 2012) - MILAN HAIN - Česká verze recenze je dostupná zde / Czech version of the review is available here Recently published book by William Luhr is part of Wiley-Blackwell's New Approaches to Film Genre series which strives to provide fresh and insightful overviews of established film genres (so far, there have been individual books on the western, hor ...

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„Frič knows how to do the pictures; the art lies on me.”

DIRECTOR MARTIN FRIČ – Film collaboration between Martin Frič and Oldřich Nový – VĚRA ADINA ŠEFRANÁ - translated by MARIE MEIXNEROVÁ and PAVLA STEJSKALOVÁ - When once Martin Frič was brought to our theatre by Eduard Bass to see the comedy “Další” (The Next One) (...) I had no idea I’ll make so many movies with this director in the future... Oldřich Nový ((Suchý Ondřej: Zavřete oči, přichází… Leccos kolem Ol ...

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We are all ‚Čermáks‘

DIRECTOR MARTIN FRIČ: The Trap (1950) – JAROSLAV STUCHLÝ – translated by MARIE MEIXNEROVÁ -  In 1950, Martin Frič (1902–1968) made three new additions to his large filmography. Successful  pre-war and protectorate director, creating in many genres, did sell himself to Bolshevik propaganda: May Events is shock-worker comedy starring Jaroslav Marvan, Steel Town is propagandistic nonsense about steelworkers st ...

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Barbora Hlavsová

DIRECTOR MARTIN FRIČ: Barbora Hlavsová (1942) – BARBORA SLEZÁKOVÁ - translated by MAGDA HRABÁLKOVÁ – Barbora Hlavsová is Frič’s fiftieth sound film. It is based on Jaroslav Havlíček’s film story Glass Hill. The author sent it to a film studio and thus entered the competition for the best story. Karel Steklý adapted it into a script. At first, let us have a brief look at film plot: Vojtěch Hlavsa, head of a ...

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Čapek’s Hordubal in Plural

DIRECTOR MARTIN FRIČ - The Hordubals (1937) - IVO MICHALÍK - translated by BARBORA GREPLOVÁ -  One glance at Martin Frič’s The Hordubals (1937) and the attention is drawn to the multiplication of the title of Čapek’s novel (although the length of a novella, historians specializing in Čapek’s work treat it as a novel, which is why I follow this in my text) from 1933. This ballad of a man suffering from inner ...

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The Art of Interweaving: Martin Frič and Čapek’s Tales

DIRECTOR MARTIN FRIČ – Čapek’s Tales (1947) – JIŘÍ VLADIMÍR MATÝSEK – translated by MARIE MEIXNEROVÁ - One of the most eminent Czechoslovakian director Martin Frič dealt with adaptation of Karel Čapek’s works two times.  For the first time in 1937 in the film Hordubal, adaptation of the first book of Čapek’s “noetic trilogy” Hordubal, Meteor, and An Ordinary Life. He went back to the author of Dashenka, War ...

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Martin Frič – Director who believed in Czech cinema

DIRECTOR MARTIN FRIČ: Introduction – VĚRA ADINA ŠEFRANÁ - translated by PAVLA STEJSKALOVÁ and MARIE MEIXNEROVÁ - From the young, talented director to the old hand Martin Frič was born on March 29th, 1902, into the family of mechanical engineer, family with strong intellectual background. Since his youth he played guitar, sang and painted. After finishing secondary school, he attended the School of Applied A ...

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The Alps in the Morning Sun

EXPERIMENTAL – Mark Ther – The Alps in the Morning Sun – MARIE MEIXNEROVÁ Show The Alps in the Morning Sun, “running” on Internet television Artyčok.TV is prepared by Czech videoartist Mark Ther since 2008 is the sentence to begin this article with. Even though this sentence contains every essential fact we wanted to highlight, we are aware of the fact that we owe our readers little explanation and small nu ...

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Rotoskopie – shrnutí | Rotoscopy – summary

Netradičně místo obvyklého úvodu k tématu volíme závěrečný krátký shrnující text. Příznačně - protože téma 49. čísla věnované fenoménu rotoskopie se poněkud odchýlilo od předchozích témat 25fps, alespoň co do podoby textů rozhodně. Měli jste možnost přečíst si osm rozhovorů s tvůrci, kteří ve filmech (a v jednom případě videohře) pracovali v různém rozsahu a v různých podobách s animační technikou rotoskopi ...

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The Last Express: Video Game as Art

ANALYSIS – VIDEO GAME: The Last Express (1997) – VERONIKA ZÝKOVÁ – The Last Express (1997) is a video game created by Jordan Mechner and Smoking Car Productions, set on the Orient Express in 1914. This video game was very innovative in the adventure games genre. The Last Express was the first “real-time adventure game” and until these days it remains an example of combining deep story with high artistic val ...

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