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Visegrad Animation Forum has awarded the most promising animated projects in development

The fifth edition of the VAF Trebon, a key industry meeting for animation professionals took place in Trebon, Czech Republic, May 2-4, 2017. Since the creation, the VAF has become a crossroad for animation industry between Western and Eastern Europe. Even if the pitching competition is open to all European animated projects in development, the focus of the whole event is on the Central and Eastern Europe. T ...

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History of the Secondary Technical School of Film in Čimelice (part 2)

History of the Secondary Technical School of Film in Čimelice, part I. Formation of the School and Plans to Produce Below the Line Crew Just before the foundation of the Secondary Technical School of Film (SPŠF – Střední průmyslová škola filmová), a news article was published encouraging the FAMU (Film and TV School of Academy of Performing Arts in Prague) directorate to create fixed academic regulations, d ...

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„I tried to catch all the feelings and small movements“

INTERVIEW with Paweł Łoziński about his latest film You Have No Idea How Much I Love You – MARTA OBRŠÁLOVÁ Česká verze textu je dostupná zde / Czech-language version of the text is available here Paweł Łoziński is Polish director, cameraman and producer of documentary films. He is the author of more than 20 documentaries winning awards at international festivals. He makes distinctive, emotionally charged do ...

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Scott Barley: Creating in the Digital Era

INTERVIEW with the experimental filmmaker Scott Barley – MILAN KROULÍK – The work of the Welsh experimental filmmaker Scott Barley (b. 1992) can be characterized by its obsession with the night and a sense for the cosmic. Watching one of his films is to be immersed into a world of landscapes, plants and animals shrouded in a deep, dark night or cold fog. The presence of the medium used, be it film or digita ...

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History of the Secondary Technical School of Film in Čimelice (part 1)

History of the Secondary Technical School of Film in Čimelice, part II. The Beginnings of Film Education in Czechoslovakia The first attempts to found institutions providing film education on the geographic area of today’s Czech Republic date back to 1924, when the film director Václav Bínovec began to give film courses. However, the first official efforts to provide training in direction, acting, and scree ...

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Art and Text: How something primarily to be looked at turned into something to be especially thought about

EXPERIMENTAL FILM – Review – BOOK: Art and Text (Aimee Selby ed., London: Black Dog Publishing, 2009/2016) – MARIE MEIXNEROVÁ – translated by IVANA FORMANOVÁ In 2009, British publishing house Black Dog Publishing, focused mainly on “beautifully illustrated books which represent a fresh, eclectic move on contemporary culture” as well as on books of Art, Architecture, Design or Environmental issues, (( “About ...

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Anibar – To Help the Animation Films to Thrive

REPORT from the Anibar Film Festival (15.–21. 8. 2016, Peja, Kosovo) – JIŘÍ NEDĚLA (translated by JIŘÍ ŽÁK, proofreadig by Mitchell Brooks) – Peć lies in the Eastern part of the Republic of Kosovo, not far from the border of Montenegro. On the horizon are the hills of Rugova Mountains from where the Peć Bistrica river flows idly, at the moment the peak of summer. In the middle of the city centre there are h ...

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Dita Saxová – The Girl Who Grew Up Too Fast

ANALYSIS: Dita Saxová (d. Antonín Moskalyk, 1967) – VERONIKA ZÝKOVÁ – translated by DANIELA VYMĚTALOVÁ – Původní analýza v češtině je zde. / The original analysis in the Czech language can be found here. Introduction Using archived sources, I will outline the circumstances surrounding the making of the film, including information on the changes in casting, the quest for the main protagonist and financial is ...

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Glen Creeber: Television has a potential to be more subversive because it comes to your home

INTERVIEW with TV theoretician Glen Creeber – KLÁRA FEIKUSOVÁ & MONIKA BARTOŠOVÁ – Letní filmová škola might be primarily film festival but this year it got interested in television as well. When we saw Glen Creeber's name in festival's official program it was clear we have to talk to him. Glen Creeber is one of the most influential scholars who take interest in studying television nowadays. Interview w ...

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Art and the Internet: A 25 year-old relationship full of passion

EXPERIMENTAL FILM – review – BOOK: Art and the Internet (Phoeboe Stubbs ed., London: Black Dog Publishing, 2013) – MARIE MEIXNEROVÁ – translated by IVANA FORMANOVÁ – Art and the Internet is a much-needed visual survey of art influenced by, situated on and taking the subject of the internet over the last two and a half decades. (( official PR text )) Art and the Internet Over the past few years, several sign ...

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